doesn’t actually consist of tutorials. Here’s how it works; the user buys italki credits, schedules a session with a teacher, the teacher teaches the lesson, the user confirms the lesson so that the credits get transferred to the teacher. The charge for a lesson varies according to the teacher. I saw teachers charging $0.10 and others $3 or $4. You can set up your own profile, make friends, “follow” them (just like at twitter) or even chat with them if you want. You can also post any kind of language questions on the website and get feedback from other users. I found the concept interesting and different from everything I had seen up to that point but don’t think I would trust a native speaker to just teach me a language since anyone (even you) can apply to be a teacher for the website. The cost is the following: $5 for 50 italki credits, $20 for 200 italki credits and $500 for 5000 italki credits which doesn’t include the processing fee.
I would like to recommend for online tutoring over skype. Its really effective.